released 2003
'Modern Ensemble'
A fuison of modern orchestral, Jazz and Eastern influences
Eastern Sky, Dancing Raindrops, Mad Monsoon, Camels, Warm Wind, Changes
released by Bruton Records. (BRP23)
Play clips and Order only from www.ZPM.co.uk
6 pieces composed by John Mayer and played by various members of the Indo Jazz Fusions as part of a selection of library music available only through ZPM.
Note : this recording is only available to media industry professionals. See ZPM website for full details.
released 2002
'Prabhanda & Ragamalas'
Rohan de Saram - cello, Druvi de Saram - piano, John Mayer - tampura
Prabhanda parts 1 - 8. Ragamal parts 1 - 6
click cover to hear clip
released by EML Records. (CD EML 043)
Mail Order only from Skeet Music
see web site for details www.skeetmusic.com
Originally released in 1983 on cassette, this album consists of two
compositions by the Calcutta-born composer and violinist, John Mayer, the
single greatest trail-blazer of East-West fusion music ever to have
operated out of Great Britian. The reissue is well overdue. Indian
diaspora music began with John Mayer. He was the first composer to take on
East-West composition. Unlike such well-intentioned fellows as Holst whose
compositions dwelt in the realms of orientalism and exotic philosophy,
Mayer had lived the life in calcutta and had an intuitive understanding of
music as a philosophical and a pragmatic art. By 1952 he had published,
for example, his 'Raga Music for Solo Clarinet'. He wasn't theorising
about East-West fusion, he had done it and had copyright symbols all across
it years before Menuhin-Shankar, Shakti et al! Both compositions here
transpose Hidustani templates to Western instrumentation. Both'Prabhanda'
(a cluster or suite of compositions) for cello, piano and tanpura and 'Six
Ragamalas' (a ragamala being a 'garland of ragas') for cello and tanpura
are sheer delights. Go to Skeet Music, 44 Challacombe, Furzton, Milton
Keynes, MK4 1DP or www.skeetmusic.com for further information.
Ken Hunt